报告题目:Searching for Young Stellar Objects in the Outer Galactic Plane
报 告 人:Ryszard Szczerba N. Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC), Torun, Poland
报告摘要: I will present the results of the study aimed to uncover the population of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in the relatively poorly studied star-forming regions in the Outer Galaxy. We use the data from the "Spitzer Mapping of the Outer Galaxy" survey (SMOG) that covered 24 deg2 region in the Outer Galaxy (dubbed L105), l ~(102 -109 ) and b~(-0.2 3.2 ), in the IRAC 3.6–8.0 um and MIPS 24 um bands.
We have selected YSO candidates based on the color-color selection criteria, and then applied a series of filters to remove contaminating sources (e.g., background galaxies). The resulting list of YSO candidates includes ~1800 Class I and ~3000 Class II sources. We have also performed an additional search for YSO candidates among the Spitzer/SMOG sources with the WISE counterparts by using an automated source identification scheme based on the Machine Learning algorithms. This method identified additional YSO candidates, which were missed by classical color-color based selection criteria.
I will discuss also the results of the analysis of the physical properties and stellar content of the high-mass star forming (HMSF) region IRAS 22147+5948, located in the L105 region.
报告人简介:1975-1980: Physics at the N. Copernicus University (NCU), Torun, Poland
-1980: M.Sc.Thesis: ``N-Representability of the Two-Dimensional Density Operators", NCU, Torun, Poland
-1991: Ph.D.Thesis: ``Investigation of the Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Evolution by Means of the Distance Independent Methods'', N. Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC), Warsaw, Poland
- 2000: Habilitation: ``Stationary and hydrodynamical models of dust-gas envelopes around AGB and post AGB stars: analysis of infrared spectral features'', NCAC
- 2008: Professorship nomination by President of Poland
报告时间:2019年10月16日 上午11:00 星期三